TAG Overview
Discovery Canyon Campus offers unique challenges to gifted students through both the wide array of academic courses, including Honors and Advanced Placement courses and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, as well as a variety of co-curricular activities and clubs. The TAG Coordinator, in conjunction with counselors, teachers, parents and the gifted student work together to place students in classes and enrichment activities which meet the individual needs of the gifted learner. Classroom teachers plan curriculum according to individual students needs supported by the TAG Coordinator.
TAG Services
Assessment of student need
Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) for highly gifted students
SMART Goal creation for Area of Giftedness students
Curriculum extensions and enrichments for identified ALP and Area of Giftedness students
Resource assistance and support for classroom teachers
Mentorship with community participation
Independent study for individual students
Staff development and training for teachers who work with gifted students
Opportunities for parents to meet and learn more about giftedness
TAG Performance Standards
Students will:
Engage in accelerated and/or in-depth curricular extensions
Demonstrate advanced communication skills
Conduct authentic research
Exhibit advanced critical thinking at appropriately challenging levels
Demonstrate the use of insightful creative thinking
Learn to understand and maximize their talents and abilities