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Get Involved and Connect  

It is common to hear fun music playing in our hallways, to be greeted in the morning with a smile, and you never know when we might throw one our famous pancake breakfasts, all-school picnics, or even host a stress-relieving petting zoo with local farm animals! Our staff is here because we love working with young people and we hope that you sense that care and encouragement throughout all elements of your experience on our campus!   

We are here to make your high school years as enjoyable, meaningful, and successful as possible!  By the end of senior year, when you’re exiting the gym for the last time through the staff receiving line, don’t be too surprised if you find yourself shedding a tear or two. The realization will hit you that our teachers and staff have somehow transformed from merely being a part of your high school community to more of a second family. We’re pretty sure you’re going to love it here!

Thor Wars 

"What’s your favorite event at DCC?... uh… Thor Wars of course!" Thor Wars occurs every fall during Homecoming week, and the entire staff and student body spend the month prior preparing for a truly one-of-a-kind, freakishly competitive (yet totally unifying) school spirit competition between the grade level classes! We can’t even explain it in words. But trust us, you’re going to freak out!  

St. Baldricks: 

Every spring our entire K-12 community comes together to battle childhood cancer by raising funds for the St. Baldricks childhood cancer research group.  Hundreds of our students, staff, and family members shave to show their support for those battling cancer and often raise $60,000+ for St. Baldricks! Students care for and serve their community in lots of ways at DCC! 

Lip Dub:  

Heck yeah, our students annually produce the best all-school lip dubs on the internet! Definition of “Lip Dub” for those over age 22: an opportunity for every school-sponsored group on campus to become YouTube famous for singing along to a themed musical mash-up. This musical medley is filmed and edited into a music video that serves to unite and entertain, while reminding us why we love going to school at Discovery Canyon! Each year, the lip dub is unveiled as a gift to the senior class during their senior assembly.

Color Dance: 

Recipe for an incredible welcome back-to-school celebration: Wear all white and meet up with 800 or so of your DCC friends in the canyon. Rokbox entertainment will turn up the music and DCC student senate will provide 5 color dumps throughout the night. At DCC, we believe in the “work hard, play hard” approach! The Color Dance is another community tradition that will leave you smiling and produce great photos, memories, and dusty car seats! 

Something for Everyone

Throughout the year, DCC also hosts a variety of fun events for students to get involved and connect. Some of these fun events include all school breakfast socials, cookies and cocoa in the canyon, open mic nights, and community service projects. While many of these activities are exclusive for high school students, we host a variety of campus wide events to grow connections and mentorship between all students across our PK-12 campus.

Additionally, DCC offers 40+ clubs based on student interest. Clubs are a great way to get involved and connect with others. Among our clubs, DCC participates in Sources of Strength, a student led club to promote hope, health and strength in our school and community. This club aims to bring together all students on our campus and continues to promote a fun and inviting school culture.